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The girls were asked to Blog about their 3rd day of TechGyrls! Today in class we learned about how to do power point and we actually chose a group where girls can only join and we did a power point and we explained how you cant join and how you can learn and benefit from […] The girls were asked to blog about things that interest them. Dating tips: 1) brush your teeth. 2) Always take a shower 3) and always smell good. Some times you mite like a cute boy and want to go out with him. You may get that chance so if you do be ready for some […] The girls were asked to blog about things that interest them. Beaches When people think of beaches to most the first thought is the water, sand, and sun. There are a few that may think first pollution and trash. Every one has a different perspective of this subject and mine is positive one. When I […] The girls were asked to blog about topics that interest them. What are some causes of abuse? Child abuse- Child abuse is broadly defined in many states as any type of cruelty inflicted upon a child. 84 percent of prison inmates were abused as children. One in three girls and one in five boys are […] The girls were asked to blog about topics that interest them. When you were a little kid the first thing you thought about boys was “ewwwwww they have cooties!!!!!!!” But reality check you’re not a little kid! You’ve grown up to like boys and this blog is all about those hot sexy things (well at […] The girls were asked to blog about topics that interest them. There are celebrities that try to be the bigger person and be a role model for kids and teens. Then- you have celebrities, like Heidi Montag, who don’t care about what effect she is putting on teens. She is SO fake from head to […] The girls were asked to blog about topics that interest them. Hopefully, you know what you tube is, but if you don’t then I will tell you. You tube is and internet site where you can post videos of what ever you want. Although you tube can be dangerous because sometimes you post things that […] The girls were asked to blog about topics that interest them. I believe cats land on their feet because of their balance but still have a small chance of not landing on their feet. Other people believe it is a gift from the unknown and some people believe that because they mostly always land on […] The girls in the TECHgyrls class summarize their second day of class. Today we went on Picnik.com to edit some pictures we took. After we edited our pictures we made a word document and posted the picture on it. We answered five questions about ourselves and put them on the document as well. I learned […] The girls in the TECHgyrls class summarize their first day of class. Today we saw a power point that taught us about cyber bulling. It had some videos about online safety and to be careful for what u post online. I learned that we should always be careful with people online because they might not […] TECHgyrls is a FREE six week long program designed to expose Middle School Girls to a variety of computer programs and help them develop a greater understanding of computer skills. The skills girls learn will help them in all levels of their schooling and future careers. They Study internet Safety, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Movie […] | ||||||
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