Blog- Day 3

The girls were asked to Blog about their 3rd day of TechGyrls!

Today in class we learned about how to do power point and we actually chose a group where girls can only join and we did a power point and we explained how you cant join and how you can learn and benefit from in. i can use this information in the future because i can look at other classes that maybe i would be interested in such as girls soft ball. i had a lot of fun and i cant wait to go to the next class.


Today we made a power point about a girls program that we go to encouraging others to go to and try it out. it was really cool because I finished it in like 30 min.


Today we created power points to create persuasions for people to join certain girls after school programs.
i will use some of what i learned today to create power points for reports and projects for school. i knew most of what we learned today but not all of it. i have made a power point before in fifth grade for a report.


Today i made a slide show. i learned that you have to do a lot of thing like refresh the page


Today we created a power point persuading the reader to join a program that they chose. We all got the chance to design it the way we want to. With this experience I can use it to post it on websites when I have a business I can try to get more costumers to come and buy something. I also learned how to place the word art, how to make the letters move.



The girls were asked to blog about things that interest them.

Dating tips: 1) brush your teeth.
2) Always take a shower
3) and always smell good.

Some times you mite like a cute boy and want to go out with him. You may get that chance so if you do be ready for some embarrassing moments.

What you do not want to do is ask if he likes you rite off the bat. You also do not want to do is be desperate . if you do those things that I just said well good luck!
So if you want to impress a boy you have to dress nice like here are some examples, were skinny jeans with a nice top with your date’s favorite team, sport, color, or hobby.

My take on dating is that you are not too old or too young to start dating. People might have a different take on what I just said but that is my opinion.

This topic relates to me because I went on dates before.



The girls were asked to blog about things that interest them.


When people think of beaches to most the first thought is the water, sand, and sun. There are a few that may think first pollution and trash. Every one has a different perspective of this subject and mine is positive one.

When I think about the beach it’s usually during the summer when it’s hot and many pack up their belongings and head to the coast. What many people bring is towels, umbrellas, sun cream, bathing suit, food, and occasionally food. At the beach there are many people doing various things. Many kids usually just run into the water and start swimming or splashing one another. Adults will just lie on their backs and get a sun tan, read a book, listen to music, or just simply relax. For teens they will do the same as adults or go and boogie board and maybe even surfing. By mid day most are either coming to the beach or eating lunch. Around the evening many start heading home.

One of my personal favorite beaches is located in Catalina Island , California . The beach is called the Middle beach, which is located just left of the Green Pleasure Pier. On summer days it can usually be found full filled with families. The life guards are usually on duty when the summer months are here. The beach is located just at walking distance from restaurants, shops, and restrooms. Once you get into the water you can feel the pebbles you step on. The waves are very calm and not so rough. So if you are planning a get away head over to Catalina Island .
Beaches are places where to some is a place to meditate or just to have fun. Many have a positive perspective of the beach some don’t. Hopefully that after reading this you change your opinion.



The girls were asked to blog about topics that interest them.

What are some causes of abuse?

Child abuse-

Child abuse is broadly defined in many states as any type of cruelty inflicted upon a child. 84 percent of prison inmates were abused as children. One in three girls and one in five boys are sexually abused by an adult at some time during childhood. Most sexual abusers are someone in the family or someone the child knows, not the
proverbial stranger with a lollipop. Families with four or more children have higher rates of abuse and neglect, especially if their living conditions are crowded or they live in isolated areas. More than 80 percent of abusers are a parent or someone close to a child. Child abuse is far more likely to occur in the child’s home than in a day care center. One in thirteen kids with a parent on drugs is physically abused regularly. Drug and alcohol abuse in the family makes child abuse about twice as likely. One out of ten babies born today are born to mothers who are abusing drugs. Drinking and smoking heavily during pregnancy also endangers the health of unborn children.

Abuse in general-

1. At least 1.8 million women are battered in the U.S.
2.Battering is the single major cause of death to women, exceeding rape, mugging and auto accidents.
3.Between 2,000 and 4,000 women are beaten to death each year in the U.S.
4.The suicides of 20% of white women and 50% of black women are preceded by incidents of abuse.
5.60% of all married women experience abuse by their husbands at some time during their marriage.
6.60% of battered women are also raped by there husbands.
7.In 30% of abuse against women, children are also abused.
8.68% of the boys that range from the 11 and 20 kill the man that has abused there mother.
9.more than 50% of the homeless women on the streets left home to escape beatings.
10.50 to 80% of the women treated at the hospital emergency rooms are there for injuries inflicted by there domestic partners.
11.80% of men who batter commit no other crimes.
12.71% of pet-owning women entering women’s shelters reported that their batterer had injured, maimed, killed or threatened family pets for revenge or to psychologically control victims; 32% reported their children had hurt or killed animals.
13.68% of battered women reported violence towards their animals. 14.87% of these incidents occurred in the presence of the women, and 75% in the presence of the children, to psychologically control and coerce them.
15.Between 25% and 40% of battered women are unable to escape abusive situations because they worry about what will happen to their pets or livestock should they leave



The girls were asked to blog about topics that interest them.

When you were a little kid the first thing you thought about boys was “ewwwwww they have cooties!!!!!!!” But reality check you’re not a little kid! You’ve grown up to like boys and this blog is all about those hot sexy things (well at least some of them) we call BOYS.

Boys are different in many ways from us lady’s, for example men have different body parts, emotions and many more things. Some people may believe that girls are better at speaking different languages, or are smarter but really when it comes to our GPA’s boys and girls are exactly the same. But when we think of sports, well that’s a whole different story.

Follow along next week to hear more facts about BOYS


Celebrity Influences: Good vs Bad

The girls were asked to blog about topics that interest them.

There are celebrities that try to be the bigger person and be a role model for kids and teens. Then- you have celebrities, like Heidi Montag, who don’t care about what effect she is putting on teens. She is SO fake from head to toe. She has had so many surges ( her boob job , lips plump, eye brows ,her own fat put into her cheeks , her back shape , and a butt job ). She is making people think that in order for you to be beautiful and be loved, you have to have a perfect body. Honestly in my opinion, that is a lie!!!!

Mo’nique is a plus size actress and she feels beautiful and is happy and loving her self. She is comfortable in her own skin. I remember a few years back I saw her at the award show performing dangerously in love lip singing and dancing like she was Beyonce.

The female celebrity I like the most is Tyra Banks because she tries to change and help people’s, behaviors and thoughts. I watch her show almost every day . My favorite show was when she got a few mean girls and a few girls that were always picked on . She made the mean girls look horrible and let them stay that way for a few hours so they could see how it feels for some one or groups of people to keep bugging you . I like that show because now they know how it feels to be pick on basically bullied. I just think Trya sends good messages to young girls, guys, teens, and adults.

My facts about Heidi Montag is from watching the HILLS and going on and my facts about tyra banks are from her show and some from back ground knowledge so if u want to check out the trya show is comes on channel 7 around 10 – 10 o’clock in the morning and 5-7 in the afternoon . Alright then I hope you enjoyed my bog so please leave comments.


What You Want To Know About Youtube!

The girls were asked to blog about topics that interest them.

Hopefully, you know what you tube is, but if you don’t then I will tell you. You tube is and internet site where you can post videos of what ever you want. Although you tube can be dangerous because sometimes you post things that may be offensive and hurtful. In this blog I will tell you the do’s and don’ts about posting things on you tube.
When posting or filming for you tube, you should make sure everything is appropriate for your viewers and yourself. For example, if you are on you tube you should make sure you watch what you’re putting such as pictures of yourself. Make sure that if you post a picture of your self that it’s the one you approve of and want to put on. When titling your name on you tube you might not want to put any personal information such as where you live. You might not know it but people may be watching you and writing down everything they see.
Don’t put things that may offend or endanger people such as making fun of them or talking bad about them without there permission. Also avoid being racist because people might get really offended and post bad comments such as ”i’m going to find you and kill you.” If you ever see that tell a trusted adult about what’s going on.
As a matter of fact, people post on youtube telling people to hate for example gay people. Because of that, a gay man was being followed into the bathroom and being threatened saying if he doesn’t stop dressing like a girl he will be murdered and so that was all because of a video on you tube. There are plenty more of those cases and people still don’t stop. Another example is when a girl was telling viewers on you tube saying how she hates Mexicans and Americans. Sadly she gave out a picture of her school by accident for a photo of people and when she was walking home she was raped and murdered.

I hope that you now know that you tube can be dangerouse and yet fun. Just make sure to watch out on what you comment or like or tape on you tube. You tube can be fun even without offending or hurting people. You may not be held responsible for you actions but its still good to watch out.


How Cats Land on Their Feet

The girls were asked to blog about topics that interest them.

I believe cats land on their feet because of their balance but still have a small chance of not landing on their feet. Other people believe it is a gift from the unknown and some people believe that because they mostly always land on their feet, they have more than one life. It’s annoying to me how people are sometimes surprised on how they land. People should know that it is just a sense that they have and its just part of the cat’s flexibility.When falling, the cat swivels its body in mid-air, so that it is facing the ground, and lands with its back arched to absorb the shock. Cats use their tails to right themselves and have very flexible bodies that allow them to swivel in mid-air, but the most important part of cats landing on their feet has to do with their very complex inner-ear that allows the cat’s brain to know exactly what direction is up and what direction is down so that the brain can send the appropriate signals to allow the cat to land on all four feet. The complex inner-ear also aids them to maintain balance when jumping, landing, and walking on very narrow spaces.


TECHgyrls Blog- Day 2

The girls in the TECHgyrls class summarize their second day of class.

Today we went on to edit some pictures we took. After we edited our pictures we made a word document and posted the picture on it. We answered five questions about ourselves and put them on the document as well. I learned how to change the way you look in pictures.


In tech gyrls we went on a cool website called picnic and that is so cool because you get to edit your pictures that you take and you get to put little stickers on! That was the 2nd time I have been on that website before. Also when we were done with our pictures we went on word and we did these cool little crafts and we typed in 5 things about ourselves and we made cool borders and backgrounds! Finally we shared one thing about us and then handed it in. well that is the end so bye


Today I learned how to edit pictures on and also how to add backgrounds to word documents. Also we made a document about ourselves and on it we had to answer five questions about ourselves.


TECHgyrls Blog – Day One

The girls in the TECHgyrls class summarize their first day of class.

Today we saw a power point that taught us about cyber bulling. It had some videos about online safety and to be careful for what u post online. I learned that we should always be careful with people online because they might not be who they say they are. I learned to not post certain things online that are mean or for example a hate page or a fight video because u can get suspended for it or get kicked out of a sport your in. We saw many examples of what not to do and what u should do. I now know to be careful online all the time.


Today for the 2nd time I went to the YWCA and I went to tech gyrls and I learned that you can chose who to block on face book and that there is a list to chose what to put as your information. I also learned that you should put a fake name on your e mail address instead of your real one. I would like to learn more about picknic and blogging. I am pretty sure that picknic is when you take cool photos of yourself and edit them but I’m not quite sure. Also what I enjoy about this class is that you get to learn new safety rules and that you get to have snack. Also I like how you can work with computers and I really like computers. I am exited for the next class to happen because it is coolio.

Today I was with my friends at lunch and nutrition. I took some pictures with my new camera. They didn’t expect that so I started laughing when they saw the pictures. Some of us had candy from the party of Saturday. Right now I am in tech girls with five other girls. We are writing blogs about today and what we plan to learn. I plan to learn about Excel, Piknik and Movie Maker. I don’t know a lot about computer so I hope that by the end of these six weeks I will be able to know enough to teach at least my younger sisters.


Tech Savvy Teens !!!

TECHgyrls is a FREE six week long program designed to expose Middle School Girls to a variety of computer programs and help them develop a greater understanding of computer skills. The skills girls learn will help them in all levels of their schooling and future careers. They Study internet Safety, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Movie Maker, Picknik, Blogging and more!!

Hello World!

Welcome to the Girls In Action Program Blog!  Girls In Action (GIA) offers exciting activities just for middle school girls.  From leadership to computer technology to financial literacy to dance, the goal of GIA is to provide an environment in which a diverse group of middle school girls can build their personal strengths and decision-making abilities while exploring meaningful possibilities for their futures.  If you currently participate in GIA or have in the past, we encourage you to write about your experiences and make suggestions about how we can make the program even better.  Thank you!